LEO: How would you describe your music to someone who hasn't heard you yet?
Weird, pretty, thoughtfully structured rock music. Awesome?
LEO: If you had to reduce what you want to express musically into one sentence, what would you say?
I'd say we're trying to express passion, honesty, play-fullness while trying to stay thought provoking.
LEO: Do you also have a day job, or does music pay all your bills?
We both have day jobs. NK works at Busy Beaver Buttons where he makes hundreds of buttons a day. NP runs a recording studio where he records hundreds of noises a day.
LEO: Do you write on a schedule, or whenever inspiration strikes? How do your surroundings inspire your music?
Probably a little of both. We both tend to write in spurts when inspiration strikes, but our collaborations tend to be a bit more structured.
LEO: What is your favorite song to perform? What do you think is your worst song?
If a song is brand new it tends to be a bit more exciting, however I don't think we have a worst song otherwise we wouldn't play it. All killer no filler brah!
LEO: What is the most rewarding part and the most difficult part about your work?
I can't say for sure what's the most rewarding, but I did get a pretty great feeling the first time I held our finished record in my hands for the first time. The most difficult part is probably everything that doesn't pertain directly to writing or performing music. The stuff that can potentially distract you from the fact that being in a band and playing music is a awesome.
LEO: How much popularity and fame do you want to achieve? Is there a level where it could get to be too much?
I really just want as many people hear our music as possible. As long as we can continue to make records and people wanna listen to our music we'll be a very happy band.
LEO: What do fans do for you in different cities? Do they bring you gifts, make things for you, or just want to hang out?
Mostly people just like to talk and have a good time. We get drinks bought for us from time to time and just last night someone just made us an origami crane... so there's that.
LEO: Which one of you gets more action and/or respect?
Given that there's just two of us, we're very diplomatic. We share everything in this band...
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